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Occupational Therapy Research Guide: Home

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Library Search

Library Search: Quickly search across the Library's collection, including databases, books, and much more...

Contact the Jay Sexter Library


Phone:  702-777-1740


Jay Sexter Library
Touro University Nevada
874 American Pacific Dr
Henderson, NV 89014


Welcome to the Occupational Therapy Subject Guide!

Included in this guide, you will find the following resources:

- Databases - subscription databases for finding articles and other materials

- Journals - links to journals in the library's collection, with instructions for finding other electronic and print journal titles

- Books - electronic and print books available from the Jay Sexter Library, including lists of required and recommended texts for OT classes

- Writing & Citing - writing resources and tools for correctly citing sources

- Mobile Resources - mobile resources, including mobile websites and apps

- Library Help - helpful tools for using the library

Remote Access to Library Resources

Touro University Nevada students, faculty, and staff can use the Jay Sexter Library's resources both on and off-campus. Use your TouroOne username and password when prompted.

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