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Copyright: U.S. Copyright Office

A guide for students and instructors. This guide is not intended to be legal advice. It was not created by lawyers. It is designed to provide general information about copyright and intellectual property.

U.S. Copyright Office Website

Copyright Logo by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from PixabayThe U.S. Copyright Office is the central information portal for everything related to copyright in the United States. They provide detailed information about the copyright law, updated legislation impacting copyright, and many tools and resources for finding copyrighted works and to copyright your own work.

Obtaining Permission to Use Copyrighted Works

To obtain permission of the copyrighted work you will need to contact the copyright owner with the following information:

  • Creator's Full Name
  • Title or Name of the work
  • Specific information of what will be used, what portion
  • Copyright date of the work
  • How it will be used
  • The audience
  • If the material will be sold
  • Name and nature of your organization
  • Your name and contact information