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Browse anatomy books for images.
Choose between Gross Anatomy by Region, Gross Anatomy by System, Radiographic Anatomy, and Cross Sectional Anatomy.
Browse anatomy books for images. Once you've selected a book, select a book title then click "Images" and browse images by sections. Download selected images one at a time or download all images from one section.
Search by topic such as "radial nerve" or filter books by "anatomy" for images.
Select a text from either English or Latin nomenclature for Gilroy's Atlas of Anatomy; General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System; Internal Organs; or Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy. Navigate to the desired sub-section and select an image. Labels and leading lines are automatically included but can be toggled off. The font size is also adjustable. Images can be downloaded as JPG or PPT files.
Choose one of the following modules: (1) Complete Human Anatomy, (2) Focused Anatomy, (3) Human Anatomy Tours, or (4) Regional Anatomy Modules. The various anatomy modules allow users to manipulate images to add and remove layers, zoom in and out, rotate the image, annotate, and more (see the video linked below). The Focused Anatomy Modules include videos and images demonstrating disease conditions such as asthma and ventricular septal defect.
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And more!
For more detailed information, including how to access the mobile app, please visit this page:
Choose one of the following:
Go to Study Tools > Review Questions > Basic Sciences > Anatomy and Physiology. You will need to create a free MyAccess account to use this feature.
Create a FREE Access Profile and enjoy the following, including:
Includes access to:
And more!
For more detailed information, including how to access the mobile app, please visit this page:
Create a free account to access practice exam questions in addition to anatomical videos.
Go to Create Exams > Biomedical Sciences > Anatomy. Select specific regions or the entire body for your practice test. Use your Touro student email address to create an account if you don't already have one.
After creating a free account and logging in, choose either (1) review session or (2) practice exam.Then select a book from the dropdown menu and review the remaining options to customize your quiz.
Five modules containing narrated videos of real, dissected human specimens that include range of movement.
Videos are organized into three content areas:
Bates' includes videos for the following:
List of Physical Exam Videos:
1. Head-to-Toe Assessment: Adult
2. Head-to-Toe Assessment: Infant
3. Head-to-Toe Assessment: Child
4. Head-to-Toe Assessment: Older Adult
5. Head-to-Toe Assessment: Pregnant Patient
6. General Survey and Vital Signs
7. Skin, Hair, and Nails
8. Head and Neck
9. Eyes
10. Ears and Nose
11. Throat and Oral Cavity
12. Thorax and Lungs
13. Cardiovascular System
14. Peripheral Vascular System
15. Breasts and Axillae
16. Abdomen
17. Genitourinary System: Penis, Scrotum, and Prostate
18. Genitourinary System: Vulva, Vagina, Uterus, and Adnexa
19. Anus and Rectum
20. Musculoskeletal System
21. Nervous System
Browse for videos on anatomical topics.
Videos on anatomical structures and osteopathic techniques.