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Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews. It supports deduplication, title/abstract screening, full-text screening, and data extraction. Touro University Nevada provides unlimited access to faculty,

PRISMA Reporting

Video Demonstration

0:00 Introduction
3:26 Why follow the PRISMA guidelines?
5:53 History of PRISMA
6:37 What is PRISMA?
7:36 PRISMA extensions
9:12 The PRISMA flowchart
13:12 Covidence PRISMA updates
14:14 Adding "other sources" to Covidence PRISMA
21:58 Adding multiple sources to a single import
27:00 Changes in the import history page
27:37 Viewing duplicates
29:30 Undoing an import in Covidence
30:30 Adding sources - Summary
32:46 Exporting the PRISMA flowchart
39:16 Generating PRISMA flowchart - Summary
41:43 Need help?
42:26 Q&A

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