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Education Research Guide: Home

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Contact the Jay Sexter Library


Phone:  702-777-1740


Jay Sexter Library
Touro University Nevada
874 American Pacific Dr
Henderson, NV 89014


Included in this guide, you will find the following resources:

- Databases - subscription databases for finding articles and other materials

- Journals - links to journals in the library's collection

- Books - links to electronic and print books in the library's collection

- Writing & Citing - writing resources and tools for correctly citing sources

- Library Help - helpful tools for using the library

Remote Access to Library Resources

Touro University Nevada students, faculty, and staff can use the Jay Sexter Library's resources both on and off-campus. Use your TouroOne username and password when prompted.

Screenshot showing login options

Library Search

Library Search: Quickly search across the Library's collection, including databases, books, and much more...