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Education Research Guide

Published vs Unpublished Tests

What's the difference?

Tests in the social sciences fall into two categories:

  • Published or commercially available tests are published by commercial test publishers. While you will be able to find reviews and descriptions of these tests and sometimes sample items, the full tests are only available by direct purchase. Publishers often require purchasers to meet certain qualification standards or to receive training on test administration and scoring before permitting them to purchase tests. (See, for example, the Clinical Psychology Qualification Levels at Pearson Assessments.) The library does not collect commercial tests. While it is sometimes possible to obtain these measures through interlibrary services, students and faculty should usually contact test publishers directly.
  • Unpublished or noncommercial tests are not published and sold by commercial test publishers. Instead, they usually appear in books or journal articles.

Both published and unpublished tests are subject to copyright unless otherwise noted. Changes and modifications should not be made unless expressly permitted. In addition, permissions for appropriate use vary widely. The test developer should be contacted for permission before a test is used unless usage permissions are given in the source.

Where can I find tests and measures?

How to Find Tests & Measures in Library Databases

Search steps:

  1. Click Advanced Search.

  2. In the first search box paste the following: Exact("educational evaluation" OR "psychological tests") and select All subjects and Indexing -- SUBJECT from the dropdown menu to the right of the search box.This will search for any record containing the subject heading "educational evaluation" or "psychological tests," which will find most dissertations that contain testi in the social sciences.
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  3. Enter your subject keywords (e.g., motivation) in the second search box. Click Search.
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All results should include tests or scales. However, some articles only describe research that used a scale and provide a citation to it, not the full contents of the scale itself.

Search steps:

  1. Enter your topic keyword(s) in the search boxes.
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  2. Under "Limit your results," choose Document Type: tests/questionnaires.
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  3. Click search.

Results will include both unpublished/noncommercial and commercial tests.

Search steps:

  1. Scroll down to the Tests & Measures search box. Type your topic's keyword(s) (e.g., emotional intelligence) and click search.
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  2. Click on any blue, hyperlinked article title.
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  3. Scroll down to the section titled Tests & Measures to see the test(s) used in the article. Sometimes a DOI is also included.
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  4. Research the tests and measures listed to see if they are unpublished or commercially available.