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Orientation to the Library: Remote Access & OpenAthens

OpenAthens Login

Jay Sexter Library's digital collection, online resources, and virtually all services are available remotely.

When off campus and accessing the Library remotely, you will be required to verify your TUN affiliation by logging into OpenAthens. There are two options we use to sign in: the first option, "Access with your TouroOne credentials", and the last option, "OpenAthens (for users without TouroOne credentials)". which one you need to use is based on how you are affiliated with TUN and both options are explained in detail below. 


TouroOne Credentials: For users with an active TouroOne account.

Use the first option, "Access with your TouroOne credentials", if you have an active TouroOne account. If you do not have an active TouroOne account, see below for signing directly into OpenAthens with an OpenAthens account.

OpenAthens sign in screen: Access with your TouroOne credentials highlighted

  • After selecting the above option, you will be prompted to login into TouroOne.

TouroOne login screen

  • Simply use your TouroOne credentials, the same username and password you always do, and you will be taken to your chosen resource once you have been verified by the system.
  • Once you are logged in, you can access other proprietary resources without logging in again for 4 hours, which is the duration of an OpenAthens session. After 4 hours you will simply be prompted to login again.